Saturday, October 19, 2019

Criminal justice admin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminal justice admin - Essay Example s been effective in reducing fatalities being caused by drinking yet lot more efforts are required to further reduce the fatalities and harms associated with the drinking. too get themselves involve in anti –social activities to overcome their needs of drinking. Underage drinkers can get into brawls and often find themselves in troubled waters with others and even with police officers or others who try to intervene. There are many reasons for this, which are related to their change in behavior patterns. Underage drinkers often show recklessness and overconfidence in their action and behavior with others. Intoxicated youngsters are not aware of what is happening around them and often find themselves incapable to resolve their own problems and often react violently and resort to all criminal activities. Surveys conducted at high schools and college students revealed the fact that more than 30 per cent students are heavy drunkards. Drinking is â€Å"A passage for some young souls into a lifetime of broken promises, broken families, and broken lives.† (Hazelden 2004) For the younger crowd, Street Racing is a way to show their superiority among their peers and classmates and has become a sign of masculine power. They often perform it in front of huge crowd, but away from the vigilance of police. Besides inflicting injury on themselves, with undue indulgences in street racing, they involve themselves in other antisocial activities like auto theft, physical attacks in case of failure to pay the racing bets, cruising, curfew violations and drunken driving. (Peak & Glenser 2008) Looking at the gravity of the problems and sensitivity of the issues concerned, the best policy measure is Communicative Policing. But before going on to take necessary actions in resolving the problems, analyzing the depth of problems is very important. Both the underage drinking and street racing is the gravest social issue and there are several other social problems associated with it. First

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